Quipu Formación Financiera, S.L. التطبيقات

Qmobile Cliente 2.0.4
Permite monitorizar adecuadamente todos los procesos relativos alacreación y gestión de GRUPOS DE AHORRO y CREDITO
Qmobile 5.0.0
QMOBILE allows to adequately monitor all processes relating tothecreation and management of saving groups. Qmobile allows youtocreate saving groups, manage roles, enter loans andsavingsoperations from group members and third parties. Theinformation isstored in a cloud database for its subsequentanalysis and reportgeneration. Both for groups and for theOrganization that promotesthem. It is possible to createpersonalized questionnaires andreports. Not only to capture datarelated to the saving groupprocess and meetings, but for any otherpurpose (health andeducation questionnaires, monitoring ofproduction processes,etc.). The application works both in onlineand offline mode, bythis way facilitating the work of gatheringinformation in thefield with no internet connection. It is possibleto developindicators to measure the socio-economic evolution of thegroups.